Call for Abstracts: “Imagining the Palaeoanthropocene in East Asia”
(新刊) Anime's Identity: Performativity and Form beyond Japan, by Stevie Suan
CfP: WWII in the Asia-Pacific: Border Crossing Mobilities (Two days online workshop, 18 & 19 July 2022)
Departmental Lecturer, Modern Japanese Literature, University of Oxford.
Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Fellowships 2022-23, The Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures.
[新刊情報] Antiquarians of Nineteenth-Century Japan - The Archaeology of Things in the Late Tokugawa and Early Meiji Periods, J Paul Getty Museum Pubns, February, 2022.
CFP for "Global Japan and Academia during COVID 19", March 25, 26, and 27th, University of Hyogo
[新刊情報] Ogata Korin: Art in Early Modern Japan, Yale University Press, Oct. 2021
WCFIA Program on US-Japan Relations Postdoctoral Fellowships(2022-23)